Chinese physicians believed that illness comes from the imbalances of two life forces which are Yin and Yang that flow through the human body. Drugs, therapy and other treatments were intended to restore this balance. Chinese people has hundreds of ancient herbal medicines including iron for anemia, mercury for syphilis, arsenic for skin diseases and opium which are still used these days in traditional Chinese medicine. In the other side, Egyptian medicine was marked by a mystical approach to healing as well as empirical and rational approach based on the experience and observation.
This kind of method is quite interesting since they combined between the irrational and rational thought on their medical method. The earliest physician whose name has survived until now is Imhotep which lived about 2600 BC. He is well known because of his studies on pathology and physiology as well as his expertise as a pyramid builder and an astrologer. In the other place, Greek culture renowned for its masterpieces of art, poetry, drama, and philosophy. Greek is also renowned for its great advances in medicines. The earliest Greek medicine depended on magic and spells. However, by the 6th century BC, Greek medicine had left the magic and religious realm and went to clinical observation and experience.
Those are some examples of medical history on three civilizations. If you are interested in knowing better on the other history, you may find it yourself from many kinds of sources on the internet.
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